Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 2 - social networking and reflections thus far.

So what's in store for this week.  This is the week 2 summary of activities for CCK09.  I would like to explore some of the practicalities and connecting strategies that can be used across and within large organisations and their merits in terms of promoting enhanced organisational and student learning. 

My reflections on the past week based on my key questions
How have I connected and collaborated so far?
I read through some of the brief introductions and also tagged a couple of participants PLE's for a summary collation of all things CCK09.  It is good to see the variety of PLE platforms being used and their functionality which gives me some ideas and strategies for how they can be used by me in the future. One of my current students is using a ZOHO wiki as a way to connect and develop a grauation wiki where students who are graduating in December can share the highs and lows of their study program in the Diploma of e-learning they have been completing over the last 18 months.
I haven't actually responded to anyone's introductions and not sure why?.  I figure that my time is perhaps better spent on blogging and tagging which appears to be a bit of a passion of mine!  Plus not sure what I can add at this time from a collaboration perspective. 

What am I learning about my learning styles and preferences?
I know that I have varied interests and that my learning preference is to take quick "taste tests" of links and ideas and then move on.  Not incredibly interested in theoretical aspects of learning unless they can be aligned with practical application and get a bit lost in terminology and words.  Pictures and diagrams work better for me.  So in my exploration I have saved images and diagrams for use at a later time.   

What am I exploring independently that I have read or heard about via this program?
I came across (not sure where!) another TED Talks video that talked about motivation and management.  As this has resonance for me in a unit that I am currently delivering BSBLED501A I tagged the video and also sent it off to my HR management team as a possible option for professional development application for our organisation in 2010.  Not sure that it will it be taken up but that is okay, part of my philosophy in my teaching role is to link people to information and people to spark interest and thought!  Love this Atlassian management philosophy and FedEx days activity process.

What feedback am I providing to other participants?
At this time I have only responded to one other participant via their PLE.  Not feeling any more need at this time to connect further.

What reflections do I have about all aspects of this CCK09 program?

It is interesting to read the "overwhelmed" discussion forum and hear and feel some of what I expereinced last year and then did not persist.  Hopefully I will be able to discern what I want to rwead more of and have more of a handle and less pressure to connect with everything and everyone, feeling much more relaxed at the learning journey this time round.  Also decided that at this time don't have a great interest in second life have had the taste tests and would prefer at this time to explore more relevant practical strategies, but have bookmarked and will view discussions in this area on an adhoc basis, where time permits.  Perhaps a direct message to the passionate ones here might elicit more connections with this platform and its application.

What application could this learning have in my personal, work life?  How can I use it?

I am enjoying reading and linking to and from a number of blogs and PLE's and also like the fact that I can connect to other people's blogrolls and their links of interest through the direct linking processes in blogs and webpages.  Still need to add a blogroll from my own site but am thinking that what I might do is blogroll from the participants in this program rather than to other practitioners, as these are already available through my delicious account under the tags blogs and practitioners.

What am I actively doing to extend my learning in this program and beyond?
Week 2 for me will be about considering the theory around networks and considering its application to my networks and past project work in developing communities of practice.  Will also consider how the new program I am planning to deliver in 2010 " VGC Blended Learning"  can be enhanced with more activie development of the community with a networking focus. 

I am also thinking how I can share this learning with my wider TAFE Queensland TAFE Institute here in the Tropical North of Australia and through my NING industry liaision group for the Vocational graduate certificate in Blended learning Community.  How will I share the possibilities and learnings from this program and is it necessary?

That's it I promised my grandson Ben some quality time with a bike read on the beach and some "ginrummy time" teaching him to play this card game might have been my biggest mistake!!!! All good learning

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